This Giveaway is now Closed. --Congratulations
Jennifer Osoinach + L Nood!!!!
I would love to introduce our partner this week --
That's Sew Personal!
I met Jennifer through her Etsy store and I adore the hand puppets that she offers...especially the Bible character puppets! I don't know about your children, but mine love love love to put on puppet shows!
But as you can see, our puppets are not nearly as exciting as the ones from
That's Sew Personal! Jennifer is a wife and mother of four and as it turns out, lives pretty close to me!!
So this week we are giving away...
1- $50 Gift Voucher from
Baby be Blessed!
--Winners will be announced on this post Monday!
Also as a special treat, That's Sew Personal is offering 25% off to all of our readers with discount code: BABYBEBLESSED --Enjoy!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway