Friday, December 31, 2010
My One Word
Then yesterday morning on K Love radio, I heard them sharing about an un-resolution. The choosing one word. "My One Word". They had done this last year and spoke of how God used the word He gave them throughout 2010.
I checked out their website and as the day moved forward, the thought of this One Word just moved in my Spirit. Not a bunch of lists or resolutions, but simply One Word.
What is this?
"Every New Year we hope this will finally be the year that things will change. We make promises about the new person we're going to become, pledging to get a grip on our finances, get in shape, become a better parent, spouse, even a nicer human being! But there’s one problem: our resolutions seldom work. The busy pace of life gets the better of us, and suddenly, the year is over with little to no personal growth having occurred in our lives.
My One Word” is an experiment designed to move you beyond the past and look ahead. The challenge is simple: lose the long list of changes you want to make this year and instead pick ONE WORD. This process provides clarity by taking all of your big plans for life change and narrowing them down into a single thing. One word focuses on your character and creates a vision for your future. So, we invite you to join us and pick one word in 2011 (click here to learn how)! "
(taken from
So I prayed and asked God what He would want my one word for 2011 to be?
He surprisingly answered VERY QUICKLY, which typically doesn't happen...He makes me wait.
But praise be to God, this is the word that was given to me~
To be Faithful in time spent in Prayer.
Faithful to stay in His Word.
Faithful to be obedient with all He calls me to do.
Faithful with my time.
Faithful to move in the Spirit.
And oh, how I long to hear those beautiful words...
"His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.'" Matthew 35:21
What would your word be?
Would you pray and ask God to speak it to you?
Hope you have a wonderful end to 2010!!
My babies and I are going to sit under blankets, watch some good movies and eat bunches of popcorn!
Talk to you next year!! =)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Give a Blessing!
Take a look at that sweet chip in for Give a Blessing! My heart is full!
I've been keeping an eye open at stores and it is the perfect time to get the most out of our money when we're shopping after Christmas sales!!
But don't stop giving yet! We've got a few days left!
~and remember...
We will be giving away a Cinderella doll for the Give a Blessing
first place prize this month!
So not only will your donation help those little ones at Maria's Big House of Hope...but you will be in the running for this beautiful doll!
And from the wonderful ladies at Wild Olive Tees...
2nd place prize
a FREE tee of choice
from Wild Olive Tees
Also our 3rd place prize
a beautiful Bow of choice from our dear friend Jessica at
Sugar-n-Spice Boutique!
Join with us to make a difference!
Donate in the chipin along the left.
$1 = 1 chance!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Too Cute Tuesday!
Baby Be Blessed,
Thank you so much for the adorable doll. Y'all are such a blessing to my family, and I am sure many others. This is such a unique gift that I am hoping it will be a great doll for our daughter and keepsake for years to come!
Here are two pictures of Rachel with her doll!
Angela Aaker
Rachel, you are simply TOO CUTE!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
{Please pause blog music}
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Marvelous Monday!
Thank you so much for entering to Give away our Giveaway over the weekend. I will be lifting all your loved ones in prayer!
The winner of our Gift Certificate is....
As we finish up all the details of Christmas this week...may we all be mindful of the true meaning of the season!
I praise you Father for the most wonderful gift ever given...Your Son!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Yay...FREE Friday Giveaway Give away!
To continue in the season of giving, this week our giveaway is meant to be given away!
You will be entering to win a $56.00 Gift Certificate to give away to someone else.
Someone who the Lord lays on your heart and lives outside of your household.
TO ENTER: Simply leave an entry under this post stating who you would like to give this blessing to and why you have chosen to give it to them.
Extra entry's for each of the following:
- Become a "Follower" our Blog
- Grab our button and add it to your site.
-"Like" Baby be Blessed on Facebook
-Blog post, Facebook mention or ReTweet about Yay...Free Friday!
*please leave one entry for each. I know this is a pain...but it makes sure I don't miss any of your entries! {Thank you for helping us spread the word of doll at a time!}
Have a very Blessed weekend!
The winner will be chosen on Monday!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
You are beautiful!
Someone needs to be reminded of this.
Maybe, I need to be reminded of this...
{Please pause blog music}
Monday, December 13, 2010
Give a Blessing!
Guess What?!
We will be giving away a Cinderella doll for Give a Blessing
first place prize this month!
So not only will your donation help those little ones at Maria's Big House of Hope...but you will be in the running for this beautiful doll!
Also, don't forget our wonderful
2nd place prize
a FREE tee of choice
from Wild Olive Tees
Also our 3rd place prize
a beautiful Bow of choice from
Sugar-n-Spice Boutique!
Join with us to make a difference!
Donate in the chipin along the left.
$1 = 1 chance!
Marvelous Monday!
Congratulations May!
ps~I have a Give a Blessing update coming later today...and it's exciting!
Friday, December 10, 2010
For the month of December only we are selling the sweet little lamb bundles! Last year many hands and hearts helped cut, sew and stuff enough lamb bundles that each child at Maria's Big House of Hope would have one.
They measure 8" tall and are made from a cloud print fabric, ivory minky face and inner ear and has a copy of Maria's original flower on the scripture patch.
"Taste and SEE that the Lord is good" Psalm 34:8
Proceeds of this sale will go towards Giving a Blessing in which we will purchase supplies that are needed at MBHOH in China.
These are made to order and will ship in January. To purchase one CLICK HERE.
Want a chance at winning one?!
To enter, please leave your information below.
Extra entry's for each of the following:
- Become a "Follower" our Blog
- Grab our button and add it to your site.
-"Like" Baby be Blessed on Facebook
-Blog post, Facebook mention or ReTweet about Yay...Free Friday!
*please leave an entry for each.
{Thank you for helping us spread the word of doll at a time!}
Have a very Blessed weekend!
The winner will be chosen on Monday!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Mr. Monkey and Special Sale!
It's seems to be forever since I've made this little guy!
Our Scripture Monkey is now available on the website....
(I'm excited)
...go tell your friends!!
We are running a sale on ALL of our Personalized Animals!!
*20% off to be exact!
So, think ahead to next year! Now is the time to buy them!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
God at work
Hi Tina,
Darci here again...
I just have to tell you a God Thing about this doll.
After I emailed you my shipping info, I clicked over and looked at the doll I won.
I was interrupted, being summoned to change a morning diaper.
As I was changing my daughter, God just whispered to my heart, "That doll isn't for you or her."
As much as I wanted one from ya'll for her , I am so excited to see what God is doing!
Over Thanksgiving, our church compiled Thanksgiving Baskets for people in our community. My big boys and I delivered six baskets to strangers, living in difficult situations and places in our community.
One young single mom, in particular, just stayed heavy on my heart for 2 weeks.
Last week, I finally obeyed the Lord, found her contact info from our pastors, and call her.
I told the mom that I had a bread ministry of delivering day-old Panera, and if she would be interested I'd love to drop some off each strings attached...just for her to know that God loves her and cares for her needs.... and she seemed thrilled.
Later that day I received communication from her, requesting info about my church, that she wanted to attend. I was shocked.
Yesterday, Sunday, she met me in the foyer of our church with her 8 year old daughter.
When she left, she shared that she would be attending next week too.
The past four days, since I called her, I've learned that she was raised in a Christian family, made choices against all she had been taught, had a daughter, is working through many issues, living in poverty, etc.... She is ashamed she has never taught her daughter anything about God or church. The night before I called her, for the first time ever, her daughter, Acacia, asked her mom why they never go to church!
I am humbled!
Yesterday at church, Acacia was telling me about "how her skin is not brown, but cappuccino... and how she is named after a tree and a plant." I told her she was beautiful!
And now as I read the verse on this Baby Be Blessed doll she will be receiving for Christmas:
You're beautiful with God's beauty.
Beautiful inside and out!
God be with you."
Luke 1:28 MSG
I am so excited! And, the doll TOTALLY looks like Acacia!
Thanks for allowing God to work mightily through your ministry and these dolls.....
Thanks for listening....
Sweetest Blessings,
I praise God for allowing us to SEE little nibbles of Him in action!
Thank you Lord! May we each be open and obedient vessels of your wonderful plan!
Please join me in prayer over sweet Acacia and her Mommy!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Too Cute...Tuesday!
Haliah holding our custom Elijah
made just like Jesus made our boy with a "smart boy bubble" (encephalocele)
*Such a sweet picture!*
Thanks for sharing it with us!
We are running low on cuteness!!
{If you have a picture to share on Too...Cute Tuesday, please email them to ~Thank you so much for sharing your family with us!}
When emailing your photo's you are giving BbB permission to post them on our blog and website.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Marvelous Monday
Have a beautiful day and take time to
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Eric Ludy - Depraved Indifference
May we open our hearts to feel our eyes to see...
{pause blog music}
Each of us can...WILL make a difference!
Seek Him and ask where He desires to use you.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Yay...Free Friday!
Our giveaway this week is a beautiful dark muslin Mary Margaret doll! She has black minky hair with yarn piggies, handstitched lashes and smile with safety eyes and a touch of blush on her cheeks! Her scripture patch reads Luke 1:28 from the MSG translation.
To enter, please leave your information below.
1 Extra entry for each of the following:
- Become a "Follower" our Blog
- Grab our button and add it to your site.
-"Like" Baby be Blessed on Facebook
-Blog post, Facebook mention or ReTweet about Yay...Free Friday!
*please leave an entry for each.
Have a very Blessed weekend!
The winner will be chosen on Monday!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
December Give a Blessing!
to the children of Maria's Big House of Hope!
{please pause blog music}
Lori and I had the opportunity to help Show Hope with sponsorship during A Night with the Chapmans tour. We saw first hand the work of God through lives that Show Hope has touched!
My words can't express my heart....
Last month a need was made known. A list of supplies were requested for Maria's Big House of Hope. (written by Cathy Troyer, Show Hope)
Around the world, millions of orphans live in institutions that are unable to care for the special medical needs of the children under their care. Millions more remain homeless and are left to secure their own shelter and comfort. These children are certainly among those Christ refers to as the “least of these.” Through Show Hope’s Special Care Centers in China, you can make a difference in the lives of some of these children!
As Show Hope’s flagship special care center, Maria’s Big House of Hope has already provided life-giving care and hope for hundreds of orphans with the most severe medical needs. Now, two additional centers have opened in Jiaozuo and Zhengzhou, extending this quality of care to waiting children.
One of the sweetest gifts in this work is the ability to see children who once sat on the edge of hopelessness find new hope. You can be a part of making this a reality. In addition to becoming a Show Hope sponsor, you can help provide much needed supplies for these special care centers. A short list of supplies is posted below...Join us today in this exciting opportunity to transform the lives of these beautiful children. Join us in showing hope!
Needed Supplies – medications may be store brand or name brand
· Cough medicine for infants and children; expectorants
· Infant Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen
· Antibiotic ointment or cream
· Infant liquid multivitamins with iron
· Preemie diapers (not newborn but specific diaper for preemie babies)
· Oral Replacement Salts Flavored Powder – (Pedialyte® or other brands)
· Teething Gel
· Micropore tape (various sizes needed of this lightweight tape used to secure bandages or dressings
· Cough medicine for infants and children; expectorants
· Infant sleepers, one-piece, footed – size preemie up to 12 months
· Toddler one-piece footed pajamas – boys and girls – size 18 months, 24 months, 2T and 3T
You can read the entire blog post by clicking HERE.
Would you join us?
There is a need to be filled. Would you help? With the heart of Christ, may we come together? Let us join our hands in prayer and move our feet in support of this wonderful work!
We will be committing this month to prayer for Maria's Big House of Hope and are asking for your financial help to meet the needs they are requesting.
If you are able to make a donation, we will use the funds to purchase as many items as we can off of the list above and mail it directly to Show Hope. We will take you along as we blog and capture this venture through photo's.
Together we can make a difference in the life of an orphan!
Here's how you can help...
~SEEK Be still and pray. How does God want to use you?
~PRAY! Visit their website and let them know you are praying!
~DONATE! Every penny adds up to make a difference!! If you can only donate $5 -PLEASE do so!!
~SPREAD THE WORD!! Grab a copy of the chipin widget below and place it on your blog/website!!
Thank you SO MUCH!!
Learn more about becoming a Show Hope sponsor! {pause blog music}