Monday, March 25, 2013

Days 13-25 {#31daysofmarch}

13- Obie eating fresh grass.
14- Big orange cats.
15- Paper snowflakes hanging in windows.
16- Happy 6th Birthday, Kolton!
17- Plastic Hulk masks.
18- Little hats next to big hats.
19- Four little kittens.
20- Hosanna! Hosanna! 
21- Bunny treats.
22- Sticks.
23- Big Bunny heads.  Volunteering fun!
24- Goodie bags.
25- More snow!

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1 comment:

leather jackets said...

Haha, you really collected some strange garments, especially the white rabbit, so funny! Seems like I'm following the national trend and putting less miles on a year and putting a larger percentage on in the hot Summer months. That means I'm wearing leather jackets for Summer from air flow. Just off the cuff I would guess I only see 5% Motorcyclist wearing anything more than a T-shirt.