Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blessings of Hope

Wanted to take a moment here this morning to give you an update of the next project we will be working on through Blessings of Hope!

The Lord has allowed us to work with brothers and sisters in Christ who have been given a higher platform of ministry to work from...let me tell you...their hearts are pure! I don't like even talking about it because it is not who the Lord has allowed us to work with with, but the One we are working for...and that is where I want your focus to be. What awesome testimonies of families receiving much and simply being vessels give back so very much! God wants to use us all right where He has us...may we work together as the body of Christ!

God has a mighty plan...and we are simply humble servants trying to fulfill what work He calls us to do. I must say that I am humbled and thankful beyond words that God has chosen these simple handmade dolls to do His work...but then I smile because that is exactly how He works!

"God has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity." 2 Tim. 1:9

Our next project through Blessings of Hope is to make dolls for each child at Maria's Big House of Hope! Please take a moment to visit their site and prayerfully consider donating to this wonderful cause and toward adoption!

When pondering my thoughts over this post I looked up the word give in the dictionary, there are many definitions. But when looking biblically it has a much deeper meaning. My heart swelled as I pondered through different verses. To simply give without wanting or desiring anything in return. Giving back though what the Lord has given you to continue His work. To have the heart of Christ!

"In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' "

The month is almost over (can you believe it) and we have been supporting Blessings of Hope through your donations to cover the cost of materials to make these dolls. As a little extra perk...we included your donations in a custom doll raffle! Which basically means that if you donated this month your name with be thrown in the pot for each dollar donated. On June 1st we will draw a name and you will win a custom doll. Since we are no longer offering customs...I'm excited that this is a great opportunity to offer at least one monthly as a free giveaway while we are helping others!! So far we have raised $81 to the cause! Thank you!!

I will be taking sneak peek pictures of the project as we go along. We will be making dolls, lambs and lamb bundles in various beautiful colors! As you know...every BbB doll must have scripture right?! But in this situation we have to be careful. Please be in prayer for the Chinese government. I put some prayer, time and thought into the situation and spoke with Mary Beth about my concern. We didn't want a doll taken away or destroyed simply because it had God's word on it. As a Mommy my heart ached at the thought of a doll being taken out of the arms of a child. So, each doll will have Maria's flower on it to represent the scripture, "Taste and SEE that the Lord is good" Psalm 34:8 I feel a great peace about this and again, smile when I think about the little snidbit of the grand picture we see of all things fitting together for His glory!

Please be in prayer with us for each child that will receive a doll or lamb! May they feel and understand the hope and love we have in Jesus no matter what situation we are in!


Carrie said...

oh you girls are so wonderful! we support some missionaries in china that we know personally & know how difficult it can be when a country is "closed." our friends are teachers there also & expecting their first child any day now, so pray for them!

Stefanie said...

You guys rock for the work you do...thank you so much for all that you! Your dolls are little angels to all who are blessed to have one! :)

DanaLea1699 said...

What a wonderful gift for children who may never have had a doll before. I didn't make at donation to Maria's Big House of Hope at the time of her death. I felt lead to sponsor a Compassion child in her honour instead. Decided this was a good way to give a donation and help out both Compassion and Maria's Big House of Hope while honouring a very special, much missed little girl. Just sent off a donation. Thanks for all that you ladies are doing to bless "the least of these", as Jesus put it.