Friday, April 30, 2010
Yay...Free Friday

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Living Proverbs 22:6
Our Kolton just turned three in March. He is our youngest child and fourth in line. Over the years and with each child I have relaxed. With our oldest, I was very proper and strict. . The labeled toy baskets each had their own spot and no misplaced item would fly. I can actually remember dumping out every single toy bin in one big pile on the floor because things were all mixed up and we needed to pick up again, "and this time do it right!". Now today's reality...as long as stuff is picked up off the floor, we're good! We have one big bucket instead of many pretty labeled ones. So by the time I got pregnant with Kolton, we always joked and said that he didn't have a chance because I have gotten so lucy-goosy.
Now in some ways...that is right, I have gotten too lucy-goosy. But I do try to keep my discipline steady. It is sometimes harder to follow through, especially with the youngest. He's my baby. I want to hang onto that. My husband Keith however, lovingly reminds me that I am doing Kolton no favors by being soft....and he's right.
But boy...this week has been tough! You know, every time I turn around I have to discipline. It's exhausting! It is a 24/7 job with no breaks! It seems he plays with everything BUT his toys and getting into everything he shouldn't!
While feeling a little defeated this morning, the Lord reminded me in Proverbs that:
"The rod and rebuke give wisdom, But a child left to himself brings shame to his mother." ch 4:15
Oh yes, the rod and rebuke -boy I know this...I believe this, but I'm wearing down.
My mind went towards how the Lord works with us.
Man! Good thing the Lord is who he is...because I would have thrown my hands up on me a long time ago! I would have given up. I would be too tired to deal with me. How many times I see myself making the same mistakes over and over, but yet God is so mighty and loves us more than we could ever comprehend.
So I continue to read, "Correct your son, and he will give you rest; Yes he will give delight to your soul" vs 17
Ahhh, yes! Sweet victory! I feel that our hard work now, will pay off later. I know it will! God promises us that! Proverbs 22:6 "when he is old he will not depart from it!"
I Praise God for His mighty word!! It is truth. It gives us the hope and encouragement we need for each day!
Thank you Lord! {sigh} I feel better now!
Whoops...gotta go! Kolton is walking around with the toilet plunger! =)
Much love~Tina
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Too...Cute Tuesday!
Thank you SO much for sharing these cute pictures of Mya!
We will continue to be in prayer for a quick recovery!
The winner of our Yay...Free Monday giveaway is:
scbride said...
Following the story of little Mya, I thought the verses that her Mommy Erika posted were perfect...
"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear, I will help you."
Isaiah 41:13
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7
Thanks so much for every one's entry!! It was such a blessing to read through all of your favorite scriptures! If the winner (scbride) would email me at babybeblessed@gmail.com that would be so great! We will get your Lucy Lou doll out asap!!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Monday, April 26, 2010

Since Friday slipped away from me, how about making it up to you with a Yay...FREE MONDAY?! It's raining here this morning so a fun little giveaway is just the thing to brighten up our day!
Isn't Miss Lucy Lou just the cutest!! She measures 16" tall and has soft caramel minky hair, and I added another one of those cute bows made by Sugar-n-Spice Boutique! All of our dolls pretty much have all the same details...you know, safety eyes-handstitched face-pretty blush cheeks and the most important part of the doll, her scripture patch which reads:
"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31
For a chance at winning this doll...please leave a comment below. Since Isaiah 40:31 is one of my favorite verses, share with us one of yours! (This is kind of two-fold since I'm putting together a scripture verse page on our website!) I will choose the winner tomorrow morning!!
Hope you all had a very blessed weekend!!
Much love~Tina
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Mya update...
We FINALLY got the referral we were waiting for. Mya will give a blood sample before we see a new doctor tomorrow afternoon!
I hope we can find some answers tomorrow.
Please pray that we get good results from any tests Mya has. Please pray there is as little pain involved as possible. Please pray that this doctor will have the knowledge needed to get to the bottom of whatever may be going on in Mya's little body. Please pray for me to stay strong whatever the results may be.
"My soul melts from heaviness; Strengthen me according to Your word."
Psalm 119:28
Thank you all so much!
BbB Ladies,
How PERFECT! Mya's Lucy doll arrived today, the day of her appointment! She is so adorable and Mya sure loves her! Her green outfit is great, love it! Having four girls we color coordinate their things in pink, purple, yellow and green, Mya obviously is green. :)
We will take Lucy along with us today and remember she is full of prayers for Mya's good health!
Here are a few pictures of her opening her doll!
(I'll have the awesome pictures up on Too Cute Tuesday! ~Tina)
Hello Everyone,
Hallelujah!!! We got Mya's test results this afternoon and our prayers have been answered! All the numbers that would indicate Leukemia were normal. She did show that she has a viral infection but it is nothing to *really* worry about, that is what her swollen lymph nodes are indicating being enlarged and they can take up to a month sometimes even longer to go back to normal even after the infection has left her body. Mya did great today, slept on the ride up, didn't cry for the blood draw, and was completely charming to everyone she came into contact with! She also got to show off her new doll! :)
Thank you all for all your thoughts, prayers and concern! Without all of you praying maybe our outcome wouldn't have been so great.
We serve an Awesome God, thanks be to Him for keeping Mya cradled in His mighty arms through this!
"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear, I will help you."
Isaiah 41:13
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7
We are going to enjoy the evening with sweet kids without all the worry! I AM SO THANKFUL!!!
Blessings to all of you, thank you for being here for us!
Lots of Love,
All I can say is PRAISE THE LORD!!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful news Erika!!
Please continue to pray for sweet little Mya!!
Much love~Tina
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Living Proverbs 22:6

In working with our new Jr. Church curriculum, I came across an article called How to Disciple Your Child. I would like to share a bit with you.
Biblical Foundations
Once upon a time, parents asked their children after church, "What did you learn about God?" Today, the question is often, "Did you have fun?" In many churches, kids rarely use their Bibles. Laying a Biblical foundation is essential. For centuries, Hebrew and Christian families have read God's Word together -- a cornerstone for family bonding and spiritual growth.
1. Follow a plan. For younger children, a daily story Bible might be best. For older kids or for a wide age range, read from the Bible itself. You may want to download this reading plan and adapt it to your family's needs: click here for free parent tools for discipling children.
2. Make time! As kids get older, schedules get fuller. Choose a regular time to meet together. For many families, after a meal works best. Five minutes will do. Though the fruit may take a while to ripen, you will reap a bountiful harvest. Decide to do it! -Mark Steiner
In my family, the best time for us to sit down together is in the morning during breakfast. We have faithfully been doing this for a year or more now and it is the most rewarding 20 minutes of the day!! At first we started with a devotional type bible and now we are reading through Genesis. It's awesome when situations arise and we can reflect back on what we have read and bring those lessons to life.
I was helping my Lola button her sweater the other day and though the cut of her dress was high on her chest, she still wanted that top button on her sweater buttoned so her lower neck wouldn't show. I agreed, telling her that it is good and glorifies God when we are modest. I also shared how awesome it is that we can be modest and still dress cute at the same time! Natalie pipes in and said..."Yeah! You don't want to dress or act like Miss Oolala!" She was talking about Potiphar's wife concerning Joseph in Genesis 39:8. We had discussed her actions toward Joseph which led to a conversation about being modest and pure. We called her Miss Oolala! =)
It was good- and funny! It blesses my socks off when the Lord allows things to swing back around to encourage us!
They are listening and seeds are being planted!
Much love~Tina
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Prayer Request for Mya!
I'm not sure if this is something you normally do but I have to ask since I think our order for Mya's Lucy doll is coming up...I am begging everyone I know to pray for our baby Mya...She was sick last week with a very high fever, that is when I discovered a lump in her neck, last night my husband discovered more lumps going up the back of her neck. We are praying it is just her body fighting off this last sickness but if the lumps aren't gone in 2 weeks our doctor is testing to rule out Leukemia. I am a wreck! I was hoping that you could specifically pray while making her doll that she will be okay and her lumps will go away without the need of testing for such a horrible disease.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Hello again,
Mya had an appointment today and there was a *bit* of good news...The lumps on her left side have gone down! She is not out of the woods just yet though. We have an appointment next Monday to see how they are doing and we will find out then if we will go ahead with the further testing, only we will be looking at Leukemia and Lyme's Disease as well. Our doctor was more optimistic today than last week though! She gave Mya a treatment today that will hopefully help everything drain also.Your thoughts and prayers are obviously working! Thanks be to God, He is good!Please continue to pray for Mya until this is all behind us and we find out everything is fine.
I know she is going to be okay!
There was no change in Mya's lumps from last week :(I was all ready to ask for the test now but after talking with our doctor today I decided to wait until her appointment on the 28th and if there is no change we will be referred out for testing.Please keep praying for Mya to be okay and perfectly healthy!!!
I'll keep you posted,
Mya's lumps are worse today. Keep in mind before reading the next part that we have not told the other kids anything about Mya's problem.This morning I heard Kasha singing a song to Ava...she sang these words: "it's okay, mommy and daddy are always with you, it's okay if some of our sisters die".I am a wreck, I asked her why she sang those words and she was teary eyed and said she didn't know.It is so scary!Even when I was pregnant with Mya, Kasha used to get scared and say "I don't want our baby to die", I would tell her that she isn't going to die, that she would soon be born and live with us and she will be your sister.I called our doctor today for a referral NOW, I can't wait any longer. *IF* Mya does need treatment this is precious time wasted.Please pray! Please pray that she is okay but also that the testing goes well, it can't be easy with a baby her age. Agree with me that Mya is healthy and this is just a fluke in Jesus' name!"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matt: 18: 19-20I will keep you posted.
Much Love,
My heart is heavy....
What scripture says to do is what I ask us to do! That we all come together in the name of Jesus Christ, asking God for a healthy Mya. That the Lord will allow the doctors to know what has caused the lumps and that they will completely go away! Please pray for the peace that surpasses all understanding to fall on this family...knowing and TRUSTING that God WILL work all of this out to His glory!!
I will pass along any emails as I get them.
Much love! Tina
ps- If you feel God place it on your heart, please leave a comment. I think this sweet momma needs our encouragement. What scriptures come to your mind to share? Please let her know that you are praying for her baby girl!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Too Cute...Tuesday!

I cannot tell you how excited our daughter Annie Kate was to receive her doll. She asked for one for Christmas after our baby (Cora is in the background) received her doll for her Christmas gift. Annie Kate could not believe she could have a doll with her name on it AND her favorite scripture!

So I thought you might enjoy the progression of these pictures as she received, opened and enjoyed her package.

So we thank you so much for what you do and I thank you for what it has sparked in my daughter to do for others.
God bless!
Heather and Annie Kate Gibson
Monday, April 19, 2010
Marvelous Monday!

Friday, April 16, 2010
My mind is always working concerning special offers or incentives to help Give a Blessing. This month, I thought we would try something a little different. I'm excited!!
First...I want to introduce to you this little Carmel haired, minky piggy tailed cutie! Grace measures 16" tall, has a chenille pink torso and a polka dot skirt. Her face is handstitched with pink bows in her hair and a touch of blush on her cheeks.
For this special occasion, she is wearing her pink ribbon headband and bow! The bow was purchased from Sugar-n-Spice Boutique. I've had them for a little while now...just itching to use them!
Scripture patch on her belly reads:
"The Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song." Psalm 28:7
Secondly...we also have a matching child scripture crown! The pink polka dot fabric matches the dolls skirt. It reads the same Psalm 28:7 scripture, AND has a removable matching pink bow!! I love the look and am very excited about them!!
Won't your little princess look so cute in her crown and toting around her little Baby be Blessed doll!! Best of all you will be teaching her and those around her the Word of God!!
So do you want a chance to win her?? =)
This week, I have set up a separate chip in for little Claudia! For every dollar you donate, you will receive a chance to win this doll and matching scripture crown. I set it up separately because we will be able to see how much you have donated directly for the giveaway. Monday we will roll the funds over to her direct chipin on the right sidebar.
PLEASE NOTE! For a chance to win...you must donate through the chipin in this post! You will have the option to run your donation through your debit/credit card or paypal account.
Please continue to pray for little Claudia and her family! Thank you so much for helping this precious girl!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
I'll be back on Monday to choose the winner!!
=) Tina
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Too Cute...Tuesday!
--Kara Forston ...These are my two sweet daughters, Leslie and Lucy. They each got a BbB doll for Christmas, and they love them! My grandmother made each doll 3 skirts, so we play dress-up a lot around here! My oldest daughter (Leslie...she'll be 4 in May) sleeps with her doll and frequently asks me to read the scripture patch and tell her what it means and why we chose that particular one for her. Thanks for your ministry and for showing children Jesus in a tangible way!
Thank you so much for sharing Kara!! Your girls are so adorable!!
Do you have a photo to share with us??
Please email them to babybeblessed@gmail.com
Have a wonderful and blessed day everyone!
Much love~Tina
Monday, April 12, 2010
Marvelous Monday!

The winner of our Yay...Friday Friday Giveaway is............
Congratulations Kristy!!
Sorry this is short and sweet...but gotta go!!
Much love~Tina
Friday, April 9, 2010
Yay...Free Friday!

Finally!! Here is Yay...Free Friday!!
Thank you so much for being so sweet and patient!! It's just been one of those days, you know?!
=) But all is well and here she is. You want a chance to win her right??
She is our sweet Hope doll. Her hair is soft smooth red minky and she measures 16" tall. Her face is handstitched with a touch of blush on her freckles! This sweet girl has minky pigtails which will be coming new to our site! I'm excited!!
Her scripture patch reads: "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

To enter, please leave a comment under this post. If you help spread the news of Yay..Free Friday by blogging, twitter or facebooking, please leave a comment for each to earn an additional chances at winning this red haired beauty! I know that it doesn't help your chances at winning, but by spreading the word about Baby be Blessed, you help us spread the Word of God...one doll at a time!! =)
Thank you so much!! I'll pick the winner on Monday morning!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Much love~Tina
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Too Cute...Tuesday!
Show Us Your Basket 2010! on PhotoPeach
Here are the photo's we received for the Show us your Basket Giveaway!! Though only the basket photo's were entered into the giveaway, I did include the additional photo's in the slide show...the are simply too cute NOT to share!
The winner of our $56.00 Gift Certificate giveaway is...
Jami Leffel!!
Congratulations!! =)
Thanks to all of you who entered! It was a fun Giveaway!!
Have a wonderful day everyone!!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Marvelous Monday!

I pray you all had a wonderful Easter!! What a blessing it was to read through all of your favorite scriptures! There is nothing like God's word to remind you of the true hope we have in Christ! This world offers us nothing....
SO! I bet your all wondering who won Yay...Free Friday?
Here it is!!
sntbosch said...
He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.1 Thessalonians 5:10Happy Easter
Congratulations!! Please email me and I will be in touch with your $56.00 voucher code to use on our site!! YAY!!
This is the day that the Lord has made...let us rejoice and be glad in it!! =)Have a Marvelous Monday Everyone!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Show us your basket!

Ready for a fun Giveaway?!
In appreciation to all those who have placed orders to fill those Easter baskets...this is for you!
Here are the rules...
1. Take a picture of your Easter baskets.
2. You MUST have a BbB doll/lamb/bunny/lion in your picture!
3. Email it to: babybeblessed@gmail.com
4. Be creative and have fun!!
For every basket photo you email, you will be entered to win a
$56.00 Baby be Blessed Gift Certificate!
(for example if you have 3 children, take three separate basket pictures for 3 chances to be chosen!)
All photo's must be emailed by Monday April 5th...that's the day after Easter. On Tuesday, we will randomly choose the winner and also present a slide show of all the baskets that were entered on our blog!
We appreciate every single one of you and praise God for every single doll that leaves proclaiming His truth!!
Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Yay...Free/Good Friday Everyone!
As we celebrate the death/resurrection of our Savior this weekend, I ask you to open your Bibles. Let us all be still, ponder and absorb what Jesus really did for us... Holy Spirit, meet us and help us understand a little bit more...
"And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. and behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split. The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised" Matthew 27: 50-52
Then, at dawn on the Sabbath...
"And behold, a severe earthquake had occurred, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it. And his appearance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. The guards shook for fear of him and became like dead men. The angel said to the women, "do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying. Go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead; and behold, He is going ahead of you into Galilee, there you will see Him; behold, I have told you" And they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy and ran to report it to His disciples and behold, Jesus met them and greeted them. And they came up and took hold of His feet and worshiped Him." Matthew 28:2-9
Wow...can you even imagine?
This week for Yay...Free Friday we will be giving away another Baby be Blessed Gift Certificate valued at $56.00!
To enter, please leave a comment below this post.
Please share with us some of your favorite Easter Bible verses.
Winner will be announced on Monday, and don't forget Show us your Basket!! (details on the sidebar)
For additional entries...if you share our giveaway with others via blog, twitter, facebook, please leave an additional comment for each. Do not leave in one comment. ex: I also shared on facebook (with your link) = an additional entry!
Thanks everyone!!
ps~ Girly Girl Giveaways is also giving away a gift certificate...head on over! http://girlygirlgiveaways.blogspot.com/2010/03/giveaway-baby-be-blessed-doll.html