I saw a quote on a blog (Holy Experience) by Ann Voskamp. This is was my first (of many) visits. I found her through the listing of bloggers going to Guatemala. They are there now...please pray over them. Her quote, or maybe a better term...simple truth, struck me to the core.
It was God trying to meet with me.
It read: "Wherever you are, be all there"
{I couldn't find the exact blog post so if you find it...please link it here...}
Let me tell you...I have not been "ALL" in anything for quite a while now.
When life is too busy and too crazy how can you be?
My faith, my marriage, my children, my ministries, my health and well...my life -was suffering.
The fact is...I've been at a crossroads. It forks to the left in "Tina's way of doing things" and forks to the right in "the Lord's perfect way". The choice should be simple right?!
Hmmm...a spiritual battle rages.
I was raised to never make waves. You just try to keep the waters calm and if a storm rages...you quietly hang on tight. Impossible way to live life. (Tina's way)
Throughout the years the Lord has healed me in many ways though I still aim to please everyone, I do not like conflict and I try to keep those waters calm. (Tina's way)
But storms rage....
I'm trying to be everything to everyone. What does the Lord want? (Tina's way isn't workin'=)
Storms have been raging here at Baby be Blessed. This ministry is here in my home so everything runs into everything else and effects all areas of my life. It's part of who I am. It's the work that the Lord has given to me....but something has to change. I need to do things the Lord's way.
I smile big knowing that were Satin tries to destroy there is eternal work being done. I won't let him take my joy and by smiling and praising BIG I feel it knocks Stain right between the eyes...and it does. He has no power here.
But one must decide who's yoke to hang onto...which fork in the road to take.
Changes are coming to Baby be Blessed.
I once again surrender this ministry to the One who entrusted it to me...
Not everyone will like the changes and that is okay. Some people will be upset not to get exactly every detail they want, but that will be okay because I am following the instructions of the Owner of this joint...I'll just forward all the customer complaints to Him. HA!
But seriously...we have gotten so many complaints lately. I understand them and thank you for your emails letting us know. These are not quality issues. They are not liking certain details on the dolls. We use what fabrics we have on hand to meet your requests. That is noted on the website. And I DO make mistakes and try my best to correct them in a Godly manner as they come up. But people getting upset over which side I put a bow in the hair...I will no longer do. I simply can't.
Sometimes people can be so very hurtful. They make accusations about my heart and my God.
My God knows me and my heart. I long to one day stand before Him and strive hear those wonderful words..."well done good and faithful servant". He is the only one I fear.
So please let me say {in love} loud and clear for all the world to hear...
THIS is my heart....
The purpose of these dolls: To be used as a tool to teach your children the Word of God and the hope we have in Jesus Christ. To spread the word of God...one doll at a time -That's it.
That's my heart, that's my mission and that's what we will continue to do.
"Wherever you are, be all there" and to that I say....Yes, Lord.
Wonderful, Tina! Good luck :)
And I like your complaint system. I think that's the way to forward them on.
Tina, thank you for this post. It's just what I needed at just the right time. Ann's blog is wonderful and has convicted and comforted me.
May the Lord uphold you through your struggles and through these changes and may He continued to be glorified in all you do.
Your ministry and heart amaze me and has blessed me tremendously. If there is anything I can do, I am here.
With love, Jessica
Amen to that. God has given you a beautiful and meaningful ministry, and may He give you the strength and grace to respond to all such ugliness in a manner worthy of Him.
Praying for your heart today (as our little girl sleeps soundly in her crib next to her BbB doll and lamb, and we anxiously await another daughter to come -- and ordering another doll!),
-The Starr Family in Colorado
keep following Him. you are doing amazing work and i pray that the joy of the Lord would be your strength.
Just want to encourage you!!! Keep your head up. You seem to have your thoughts in the right place. Thank you for what you do!
Your blog and purpose is PERFECT! Your work is PERFECT!
You are PERFECT, beautiful and wonderful in God's eyes, and will always be.
Bless you and your struggles! God is God!
You are doing amazing things! We love our BbB babies and lambs. Praying for you!
Amen, Tina! Very well said! I am a die hard fan of BbB and appreciate that you follow God's leading to make BbB available to bless children's lives for eternity with your sweet products. First and foremost, you make it a ministry! Thank you!
you go on ahead, ms tina! some people just can't be happy with anything. praying for all of the beautiful hands that make up babybeblessed!!!
oh my goodness~i was so blessed by this post and we support you 110%!!!! we will pray more specifically for your ministry. my husband is a pastor and i totally get the struggle to not be all things for all people. I pray His richest blessings on your family and ministry as you seek Him first!
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