First the winner of Yay...Free Friday ($56 BbB Gift Certificate) is:
#56 -I shared this give-away with friends!
The (winner's) of "Guess the Weight" is:
#95 -I Love BbB Dolls! If I win, I will use the GiftCard to spread the word to One more child. After all,Proverbs 22:6 (8lbs8.3oz)
**8lb 8.3oz was Dade's EXACT birth weight! I failed to make a note however that those who actually visited the little babe in the hospital shouldn't enter. haha! But I love ya girl and we are very blessed to give one of your little ones a crown! =)
We had a tie for a second place crown winner, so I randomly chose between the two that guessed the next closed birth weight of 8lb 6oz and #80 becoming the winner! Congratulations!!
(please email me #80 because mail delivery failed when I tried to contact you this morning, thank you!)
Give a Blessing!!
First, I would once again like to thank those who have prayed or given a donation to the Addy Grace Foundation over the past month! I praise God for each of you!!
1st place prize for a $56 BbB Gift Certificate is: Ka Lai Ho!!
2nd place prize for a free tee of choice from Wild Olive is: James Bryan!
3rd place prize for a free bow of choice from Sugar-n-Spice Boutique is: Heather Skavang!!
Thank you all so very much!

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