Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Gift

Children's smiles, giggles and goofy moments flood back and fill, as I edit each photo.

Memories are now captured in time, I smile at their faces.  Excitement in the gift!

Wonder and anticipation filled each mad tear of the paper!

And now days later the presents unwrapped (and somewhat) put away, we move forward into a new year. I look at all these photo's and can't help but think, have I lost this excitement I see?

Right before Christmas I stood in front of the children and held up a gift.  I asked them what if we received a gift, but chose not to open it. We held it. Admired it. Maybe messed with the bow a bit...but sat it back down and walked away.

Of course they said how crazy that was!  Why wouldn't you want it?  Why wouldn't you tear the paper off and throw open the lid?  Why wouldn't you want the excitement, wonder and anticipation of the gift especially if it was the best Gift ever given...

Kind of silly isn't it?  To have the gift available but to never open it?

Well what if we have opened it?  What if we have taken hold and opened the Gift of Christ given...eternal life...our name forever written in the book of life.  Then what?

Isn't it when the Gift has been opened that we should be really experiencing the excitement and wonder?!

We can so easily get lost in the current in life.  Our mind can grow numb and eyes can lose sight of all the wondrous things around us....God here with us, God in us!  The opened Gift of life in Christ!

I look at Kolton's face and I smile.  May that be me today and everyday! 

May I SEE the gifts of  daily grace! 

May I be filled with wonder and excited anticipation with each mad tear of the day and year to come!

Give me your heart and eyes to see you all around me Lord!
Enable me to joyfully serve you daily in all things.
You have lavished me with this beautiful gift...may I never loose sight of that.  Thank you Jesus...

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