Just a post of random ramblings of things to remember....
Like the way he sticks his tongue out when he decorates cookies
And the enormous amount of sprinkles they use --every year!
The "building" of the CHRISTmas tree.
That it was Tristin's turn to put the star on this year
Snowflake twinkle lights and tree's sitting on old trunks
COLD & Rainy 4-wheeler rides!
Enjoying mock trials at School --Mr. Pig vs The Big Bad Wolf
Natalie getting her ears re-pierced
CHRISTmas hats and horse fun!
Morning skies that I could soak in all day
How we stop to take random pictures of goats and huge wooden chickens along the side of the road!
And taking time to slowly soak in beauty of the season
Simply praising God for all these blessings and more!