This weeks giveaway is a yellow flower chenille lamb with Scottie dog green/yellow cotton print inner ear and minky green face. I tied a white ribbon around the neck and the scripture reads "He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to his heart." Isaiah 40:11
Thanks to everyone who entered!! We have a couple duplicate entries so I will count those as one as I get the number and count through the entries.....
Here we go.....
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:6
Timestamp: 2008-06-30 15:06:42 UTC
Caitlin said...
Hey, that's a cute image you have up there. Have a super weekend! I'll be back on Monday to check out the surprise.
***And to add a little plug in here for Caitlin, she sells great shirts!! I have a few myself.........
In other BbB/Thompson news, the weather around here has been horrible!! Right now it is 61 degrees, cloudy, windy, and going to rain....yuck! Where is the sunshine? Where is the warm weather?? Tomorrow IS July 1st right?! Okay, okay....I'm done complaining about the weather. Next week it will be a scorching 105 degrees and I'll be complaining about that... =)
My website change is in full swing!! Please be patient as all the photo's and graphics get added. This takes a lot of time so I appreciate your patience. I will have a lot more features to offer all of you, so I'm excited about it! We also will be adding some shirts in the Give a Blessing section. All clothing/dolls that are listed in this category will have a portion of the proceeds given to a charity/organization. Here is a sneak peek of some of the shirts. Let me know what you think????
Well everyone....I'm back to my sewing machine! Thanks for checking in and I will be back soon! ~Tina
***Just a quick note~ All the leg work and design work of the shirts go to my dear friends Chris and Laura Swymeler. This WOULD NOT be possible without them and their heart to help!!! Thank you guys!!