Monday, June 30, 2008

Drum roll please....Marvelous Monday!

This weeks giveaway is a yellow flower chenille lamb with Scottie dog green/yellow cotton print inner ear and minky green face. I tied a white ribbon around the neck and the scripture reads "He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to his heart." Isaiah 40:11

Thanks to everyone who entered!! We have a couple duplicate entries so I will count those as one as I get the number and count through the entries.....

Here we go.....


Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:6
Timestamp: 2008-06-30 15:06:42 UTC



Caitlin said...
Hey, that's a cute image you have up there. Have a super weekend! I'll be back on Monday to check out the surprise.

***And to add a little plug in here for Caitlin, she sells great shirts!! I have a few myself.........


In other BbB/Thompson news, the weather around here has been horrible!! Right now it is 61 degrees, cloudy, windy, and going to rain....yuck! Where is the sunshine? Where is the warm weather?? Tomorrow IS July 1st right?! Okay, okay....I'm done complaining about the weather. Next week it will be a scorching 105 degrees and I'll be complaining about that... =)

My website change is in full swing!! Please be patient as all the photo's and graphics get added. This takes a lot of time so I appreciate your patience. I will have a lot more features to offer all of you, so I'm excited about it! We also will be adding some shirts in the Give a Blessing section. All clothing/dolls that are listed in this category will have a portion of the proceeds given to a charity/organization. Here is a sneak peek of some of the shirts. Let me know what you think????

Well everyone....I'm back to my sewing machine! Thanks for checking in and I will be back soon! ~Tina

***Just a quick note~ All the leg work and design work of the shirts go to my dear friends Chris and Laura Swymeler. This WOULD NOT be possible without them and their heart to help!!! Thank you guys!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Yay...It's Free Friday!

So what's for this weeks giveaway!'s a surprise!!
This week I thought it would be fun to offer a surprise giveaway!
Don't worry, it is something that either your little girl or your little boy can snuggle tight with. Big reveal on Monday with the winning name!
The rules: To enter you must leave your contact information under this post. Only one entry per week. Your entries do not roll over from week to week. Giveaway runs from Friday through Sunday and the winner will be announced on Monday.
YAY!!!! Have fun everyone!!
Good Luck!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Marvelous Monday!!

First of all, I want to share a little bit from last weeks winner. She was just having the worst day ever...
"Wow! You have NOOO idea how your e-mail was that special little hug from the Lord that I needed today!!! LOL :) Elijah and I were in route to Ohio to spend the week with my family (I'm originally from Cleveland!) and my car broke down in Grand Rapids, MI - just after we dropped my husband off at the airport!!! Turns out I had a broken tie rod & rusted out rotors!! UGH!!! Took a couple hundred dollars & a few hours of waiting for the repairs to be made - but Praise the Lord! We just arrived in Ohio!!! I couldn't wait to respond to your e-mail!! ((I had checked it after we had walked a mile to the mall so Eli could run (crawl really fast) & play while we waited...and I was just SOOO exhausted from the events...including having only one diaper with me to change him!!! And THAT is another story in itself! I had used that one right away - so 2+ hours later - when he had was making that special little face that cracked up all the other mommies at the play area...I was just spent! but when I laughed along with them & said "yeah -it's usually a pretty funny face for mommy to see too - except when she's out of diapers!" I had like 3 women jump up & offer me one of their child's!! LOL It was a day of odd happenings & funny little blessings like that!) - but I had checked my e-mail as soon as I arrived at the mall & got your msg...and honestly - I felt like it was a hug directly from the Lord reminding me He's watching over us...even in the midst of such turmoil. LOL :) You really blessed me already!!! SO MUCH!!!"
See how the Lord works!!! He is just so awesome! I truly feel that even though I pick a random number, the Lord knows and even uses a little giveaway to touch His people and to show His love. So...who is the winner this week????


Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:9
Timestamp: 2008-06-23 16:40:27 UTC


Pat said...
Would love to win this beautiful baby girl.

(Pat~I tried to contact you but my email was returned. Please let me know what address to ship this to. THANKS! ~Tina)


Have a wonderful & marvelous Monday everyone!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Yay...It's Free Friday!

I finally was able to get this cutie finished up,
and would love to give her away to one of you!

She measures 16" from head to toe. Has muslin face/arms/legs and smooth pink minky body with hand stitched heart on chest. Hair is blue minky dot with baby soft yarn pigtails and wisp of bangs trimmed with green bows and yellow crocheted embellishment. Her skirt is an Amy Buttler print which is removable with an elastic waist.

Scripture patch reads, "Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16.
Oh and one more thing.......
I will also throw in a matching fabric crown for your little princess!

Crown is made from the same Amy Buttler print with the same Matthew 5:16 scripture patch and blue ribbon closure. It is also trimmed with three blue hand crocheted flowers made by lilyslittlepieces at Etsy (they are the greatest)!

THE RULES: To enter, you must leave your contact information in the comment section under this post. Some of you have been forgetting to leave your email address. You may enter only once Friday through Sunday and the winner will be picked on Monday. Entries are not rolled over from week to week. You must re-enter each week for a chance to win.
I wish everyone a very best and very relaxing weekend!
I'll be back on Monday!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm a real Father is the King of Kings!

This morning I was working on finishing up a couple custom orders. The doll pictured is one of them. My good friend Laura ordered this doll for her niece's birthday. She requested a little crown for the doll. No problem! So as I'm cutting things out I cute for little Kaelyn to have a matching crown! So this little fabric crown came to be. I thought it would be great! A crown that can get stepped on and squished in the toy box without breaking, but yet makes you feel like a princess. I can't tell you how many of those plastic crowns have been pitched in the trash due to them breaking the day after we get them home. So anyway, I of course had to put on a little scripture patch and added ribbons for a tie closure. I asked Lola if she would model for me so I could send Laura a sneak peek of her order. Didn't have to ask Lola twice! So off to the patio we went and took some good pictures to share. Well she didn't want to give up the crown. I explained to her that the crown will go to little Kaelyn for her birthday along with the doll. She wasn't happy to give it up, so I promised her that we would make her very own and she could pick out the fabrics. Oh she was so happy!! It's the simple things sometimes! So we looked and looked at the fabric and she finally decided on purple and then she spied the hot pink lace....HAD to have some of that! So she helped and we put everything together. As we talked she said that when she grew up she wanted to be a princess. I told her she was already a real princess because she believed in Jesus and he is the king of kings. I also told her that she was a princess now and she will be Jesus' princess in heaven having a real crown to lay at his feet. She was facinated. The scripture she chose was from 1 Chronicles 16:9 "Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; Speak of all His holy name." Which is so fitting because she is singing all the time, especially on the toilet. Lola is such a bright and fun spirited little girl! We had a great time making it together and it was a great time to share what we have to look forward to.

She loves it!!

Have a great day everyone!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Marvelous Monday!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day! Keith had to work but was able to come home a little early. We spent time working outside which is enjoyable for our whole family. For supper, pizza...YAY...NO DISHES!! So even though I planned the day out a little different in my head it was great just to spend the afternoon together.

What a blessing to see that we had sixty entries this week for Free Friday! Don't misunderstand me, it's not about numbers. It never has been. I would be happy to have one entry and one doll to give out. I'm just so grateful to have crossed paths with all of you! To be able to pray for you and be joined as brothers and sisters in Christ! Anyway...I can get all sappy when I step back and think of how the Lord is working in and through this. It is your encouraging words and emails sharing your stories with me that I see a glimpse of what work He is doing. It is encouraging and keeps me sewing along.... I want to glorify Him and praise Him for all that He has given to me. To give back the gifts He has given to me. But in saying that, I need to keep my fingers out of it. I'll mess it up for sure! Just trying my best to be obedient, but oh what blessings I am receiving from that obedience!


So I'm sure that you all have stopped by to see who the winner is this week?! Me too!!!! I went to again for the winning number.


Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:12
Timestamp: 2008-06-16 14:50:12 UTC


Maggie said...
I LOVE your little creations!! What a precious blessing in a little ones life!!! Please enter me! :) - I'd LOVE to win a "stuffed boy" for my son!! LOL :)
June 13, 2008 1:32 PM


I hope all of you have a marvelous Monday! I pray that we all keep our mind on what is truly important this week, being instruments and servants of Jesus Christ! Talk to you all soon!!


Friday, June 13, 2008

Yay...It's Free Friday!

This is Skyler! He received his doll, or as Caitlin's husband would call it...."stuffed boy" =) as a moving away gift! I will be posting more pictures and sharing a little of their story on my site tomorrow. But for now, I just had to share with all of you!!
I'm getting out of the gate a little (a lot) behind today. I've been busy-busy-busy all day long with a baby attached to my hip. Just an FYI...NEVER mess with a woman who lugs around an infant car seat or a 20lb+ baby like nobodies business. We might look small, but we have biceps of steal!!! To be honest, I almost forgot about Yay...Free Friday. WHAT?! I can't keep track of what day it is these days...please forgive me!
So again this week, hope you all don't mind, my giveaway will be a free custom doll of your choice! As always, to enter simply leave your contact information under this post Friday-Sunday and I will draw the winner on Monday!
Thanks everyone!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pray for my Mommy...I'm teething!

Don't let this rotten smile fool you...

His shirt says it all and describes our day!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Me and My Girls!

This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago when Lola had her dress rehearsal. After we were done at the Civic Center we went out to eat and then stopped at the mall for some girlie shopping. It's not often that it is just us girls! Keith works very hard, six days sometimes seven each week, so the kids and I are together a lot. Which I love and very thankful for!!! But on this day it was just us. We had a lot of fun looking around in stores and bought a couple things ( a dress for Lola and a cowgirl hat for Natalie ). On our way out we tried out the photo booth. The girls and I have never sat in one before, so it was great fun acting crazy. I'm glad I have this little photo to remind me of the special moment spent together.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Marvelous Monday!!

It's a Marvelous Monday, and I went to for the winning number!!

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:28
Timestamp: 2008-06-09 15:16:11 UTC


You have won a custom doll of your choice!
(I sound like the price is right!)
Drew Boswell said...
Gorgeous work! Hope to win one!Kimberly BoswellKnoxville,
June 6, 2008 12:45 PM

Kim left her phone number so it was SO FUN for me to give her a call and let her know that she had won!!!! Can't wait to get all the details for your doll!

*********************** other Thompson news, we had a great weekend. What did we do?! NOTHING!!!! It was the best!
Here are a couple pictures from yesterday. I notice that I didn't catch Natalie in these photos...she was standing beside me. Next time I'll make up for it.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Yay...It's Free Friday!

Since this week has been incredibly busy, my giveaway this week will be a custom doll of your choice! Girl, Boy, Lamb, name it! Pictured is one of the custom orders shipped out this week. They looked so cute lined up together!
So to win, please leave your contact information under this post Friday-Sunday. The winner will be picked on Monday and you may enter only once.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
*Pattern from bit of whimsy primitives was used for the custom order pictured above. ( )

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's Vacation Bible School Time!!

We have VBS this week, which I am the director for, and it has been an awesome time! We are learning about the seven C's and simply just teaching biblical truth! Needless to say things have been a little more crazy than usual this week and I have fallen a little behind on things. But not to worry after today I will be caught up and back on track. But the weeks only half over so I'll keep plugging along with everything and keep you updated. Here are a few pictures from yesterday!


We have been making our own VBS shirts
Love it!!

Me running back and forth

and Zach having lots of fun!
Can you see him?
Well, I'm off to finish cleaning up lunch and getting household chores done before we have to leave. My posting may be a little scarce this week, but I will be back for Yay Free Friday!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Marvelous Monday!!

Good Morning Everyone!!

Okay....the winner directly from RANDOM.ORG!!


Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:25
Timestamp: 2008-06-02 14:23:50 UTC


Winner is #25, let see who that is.....................



I will be contacting you for your shipping address!


Check back for sure on Friday for another BbB giveaway everyone!!