We are giving away another $56.00
to spend at babybeblesseddolls.com !!
The Rules!
You will receive one chance for leaving a comment under this post.
Additional chances for the following:
A blog post, Our button on your site, If you are a follower of this blog, facebook mention, Twitter RT, AND if you make a donation to our Give a Blessing over the weekend! {this is separate and in addition from our GaB giveaway. Forward your chipin AND leave a comment here}
*please leave a separate comment for each... for example if you blog and have our button on your site that will be two separate comment entries- #1 I blogged, #2 I have your btn. This makes it SO much easier to choose the winner and make sure I don't miss any one's extra entries!
I pray you each have a wonderful weekend!
Spend time with the Lord and your families....
A happy labor day weekend to everyone. Let's spend a little time this weekend focusing on the differences that make the world go round. We are so quick to judge and point fingers, when we are all only human and doing the best we can each and every day!
I would love to win! Thanks for Free Fridays! mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca
I have your button on my blog. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca
I follow via GFC. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(Dot)ca
I follow
I love free fridays!
I retweeted!
I have your button on my blog here:
I <3 Free Friday :)
cdhamilton at hotmail dot com
My daughter is about to go through some testing for some issues she is having. I'd LOVE to win this so that I can get her one of these adorable dolls. I just came across your site and I LOVE them!! :)
I have your button on my blog too :)
I follow via GFC
Facebooked here:
I follow on Twitter @hgimomblog (not sure if that counts?
I have your button on my blog.
I have your button on my blog.
I also just retweeted (pxbHites on twitter)
and here's my regular comment for another chance!!
I know two little girls that would be SO excited if we won! Thank you for Free Fridays, they're a nice way to start the weekend!
LOVE Baby Be Blessed Dolls!!!
I'm a follower of your blog
I have your button on my blog
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!
I just found your blog, and I am so excited to enter! Hope i can win for my little one!!!
I have your button on my blog
I follow this blog!! :)
I love free Fridays! God Bless!
I would love to win! Thanks for the chance!
I facebooked about BBB http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=43700638
I follow!
I have your button on my blog!
would love to win one of these dolls for little baby in womb that should make her appearance in the next week!
and i follow!
I follow on FB clark122399@aol.com!! and love the updates:)Thanks for the Free Fridays:)
I would love to win one :)
Thank you for the free Fridays!
mommyof2ny @ live dot com
Pick me! I would love to win.
I would love to win so I could buy a doll for my friend's little girl! lydia_broglie@yahoo.com
I love Free Fridays...I follow on FB Krista Lyon Clark. Just posted a link:)
I definitely follow! I love your blog and your dolls!
Charity Cathey
yea for free Friday:) love to win for my neice. thanks for your ministry
I stole your button and put it on my blog :)
mommyof2ny @ live dot com
Yea!!! Free Fridays!!
I blogged about it :)
mommyof2ny @ live dot com
I follow your blog as mommyof3ny
mommyof2ny @ live dot com
I shared your blog and giveaway on my FB :)
mommyof2ny @ live dot com
Thank you for this great giveaway! I would love to win one of your beautiful babies!
I follow your blog!
Thanks again!
I'd love a chance to win... we'd get a Naomi or Margaret doll for our future daughter from Ethiopia! -Nikki
I love the cute dolls and lambs!!!:) meg.wilkerson@yahoo.com
I'm now also following this blog!! meg.wilkerson@yahoo.com
i follow your blog and would LOVE to give this as a gift to a good friend who struggled to have her baby. thank you so much for this opportunity.
Would sure love to win! Your dolls are precious! What a wonderful ministry!
I would love to win! I just adore what you do & make.
I have just found out we are having a baby girl and have wanted one of your dolls for ages!! I would love to win!!
I would love love love to win and follow you on facebook.
I have your button on my blog :)
I am a follower
YAY! For free Friday!!
I have your button on my blog...
YAY! I love free Friday!!
i follow this blog!!!
so grateful for yay free fridays :)
have a great weekend!
Love your babies!
Yay...Free Friday is my favourite thing! I would LOVE to win. I adore your little lambs. I have 7 month old twins who would LOVE a new stuffed animal!
I don't have my own blog to grab your button, but I'm a follower of your blog!
I am a fan on Facebook!!!
I would love to win!
I follow you on facebook!
I love your dolls!
I "Like" you on Facebook!
I have your button on my blog!
Just became a fan on FB....I absolutly love this idea!
I would LOVE to win a Baby Be Blessed doll for my niece, Molly!
Thanks! Margaret
I just received my doll today--just what I needed today. THANK YOU! I would love to win so that I can give it to someone else to brighten their day.
I would love to win this!!
#2 I'm a follower! Woo hoo! :)
I would love to win! Thank you for the opportunity :-)
I have your button on my blog :-)
I am a follower of your blog and site :-)
Thank you so much for fixing our babies! We just got them in the mail today with the smaller stitches, and the girls were THRILLED! Lucy said, "Baby not bite me." :)
I'm a follower!
And I added your button to my blog!
Love BBB!
Follower of the blog!
We're expecting Baby #5 would love to win one for him/her!!!
Thanks for the chance!
love it
I love Free Fridays!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I'm a follower:o)
And I have your cute button on my blog:o)
Thanks for doing Yay Free Friday! Have a great Labor Day weekend!
I retweeted on Twitter, too :) Thank you!
love free fridays! yay! Thank you for the chance!
I have your button!
Aw my daughter's 2nd birthday is coming up. This would be perfect!
I'm a follower!
I have been wanting one of these dolls for my two year old. I love how you put scripture on the doll.
facebook mention
Would love to win one for a gift for my niece.
would love to win...
i am a follower on facebook...
Your dolls and animals are beautiful! What a wonderful idea you have come up with!
I've just added you button to my blog!
And I've just made myself a Follower too!!!!
I am a follower
Yah for free friday!
Would love to win!
Kimberly Boswell
I mentioned you on facebook!
I am a follower.
I love baby be blessed,
I follow but don't have facebook !
I have your button on my blog !!
espresette (at) hotmail (dot) com
Thanks for blessing so many !!
I love free Fridays! Yeah!
I love Baby Be Blessed and would be blessed to win. :)
I follow your blog! :)
Would love the chance to win. Love your blog,I'm a follower. God bless!
Love your dolls! Love your giveaways!
smrtmouse at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower.
smrtmouse at yahoo dot com
Your button is on my blog.
smrtmouse at yahoo dot com
I Love Free Fridays!!
I happily follow your blog:)
I would LOVE to win one for my sweet daughter.
I have your button on my blog.
I would love to win a doll for my new goddaughter, who was adopted Yesterday! from China.
Thanks for the chance!
I have been reading your blog for a long time, but I'm now a follower!
I would love to win!
I am a new follower!
I love Free Friday :)
I have your button on my blog
I blogged about the giveaway
I am a follower on facebook
I just found you! I love your product, site, and how you cling to Jesus. I am on a search for dolls, as I have a 16 month old daughter, Eden Grace. She has 5 big bothers, so I am really "into" this girlie doll thing. I would love to win and hope you open your store soon so I can order her a doll! Thanks and Blessings, darci darci@vingster.com
I have your button.
Thank you so much for Free Friday. Your ministry is AWESOME!!
I am also a follower.
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