Tuesday, August 30, 2011

1st Day of Preschool!

Out of all four...
Kolton has been the one asking about starting school (darn near daily).

Well yesterday was the day!

I love when I wake him in the mornings...he always smiles when he hears my voice...before he even opens his eyes.

"You have school today!" I whisper...

Eyes shoot open!

"But first four minutes of cartoons!" he says. Everything is either four or fourteen minutes...and four minutes of cartoons worked for me!

He was so excited to leave and I think it was so cute how he told me which direction I needed to turn. (I guess just in case I had forgotten!)

Just like last year, he walked right in, hung up his backpack and didn't look back!

His teacher is Miss Julie!

He waved "Bye Mommy!" as I walked out. I was so proud of how brave I WAS this year! He is always fine...I'm the one a mess!

Don't even get me thinking about Kindergarten next year....oh my!


They made black birds (which went straight on the fridge!)

He talked a lot about his bird having "only one eye -not two" and snack!

When the big kids came home from school and Daddy from work...school was the first thing he rambled about. Then he had to go run and get his bird...it has "only one eye -not two"

HA! I'm about to put a circle on the other side just to ease his little mind!

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Marvelous Monday!

The winner of our Yay...Free Friday Giveaway this week is!

Amanda said...
I would love to get one of these for my friend who just had to bury his 19 month old daughter this week who lost her battle with leukemia. I think it would be nice to have it personalized for him as a remembrance of his beautiful daughter!


What a blessing...to make this family a doll to remember their daughter!
Praying for them right now.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Weekends are for Steady Hands...

Moving ever so slowly and choosing just the right one...

in the classic game of Pick-up-Sticks with two of my faves..
Enjoy your weekend!!

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*Don't forget Yay...Free Friday in the post below!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Yay...Free Friday!

Every Friday is...FREE FRIDAY, and we give YOU the chance to win a personalized Doll of Choice from Baby be Blessed!

To Enter: Simply leave a comment below!
Extra Entries:
(please 1 comment for each -Each comment is one more chance to win!)

*Become (or if you already are) a follower of our blog

*Write a blog post about the giveaway (please leave link)

*Like (or you already Like) Baby be Blessed on facebook

*Share on facebook

*Follow us on twitter (all links are on our website)

*Tweet or Retweet about the giveaway

*Join us on our Facebook Community of Prayer and Praise!
May we fellowship and pray together!

Winner will be chosen on Monday!

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Whew! What a Week!

This week has flown by and everyday I intended to stop for a minute and blog about what was going on...but then the minute quickly moved into something else and now it is Friday already! We've had so much that I want to remember, so I took time this morning to just sit and catch up here on the blog with what has been going on!

This past weekend was spent mostly at home and it was nice just to relax, spend time together and eat ice cream (including sprinkles) with the kids before they started school!

Sunday afternoon Kolton had his Preschool Open House, which he LOVED! He is so ready to start his second year! We discovered that Miss Julie was his teacher and squealed when he found his coat hook! He was excited to see all the new toys and was not ready to leave when it was time to go back home. His first day is on Monday and he can't wait!

The rest of the afternoon was spent weeding and mulching! My poor flowerbeds have gotten WAY out of control! In years past I devoted at least one afternoon a week to weed and work with my flowers. This is one of the things I enjoy! I love working in the dirt and don't even mind pulling weeds...but a summers worth in one afternoon was a little much.

Let me tell you...my legs would hardly work for the next two days!

But it feels so good to have it done and I can actually see the flowers now!!

The first day of school for the big kids was on Wednesday!

If you asked them if they were ready...you would have gotten a shrug and an "I don't know" but boy they were up and ready to get going bright and early! It is really bittersweet for me...but one thing I missed more than anything else was our morning Bible study together!

They thought I was crazy taking a picture but oh how I cherish that time!

They were excited that we used the "fancy" plates and I made them eggs and toast.

They had a great first day and have had a wonderful week! I think we are all still adjusting to the new school schedule but things are more routine -which is SO NICE!

We also started a new Bible Study at Church -Discovering your Gifts and Talents! It is going to be a great unit to teach/study and I am looking forward to it! We also are memorizing Psalm 1...

"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands int he way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish."

The kids were pretty excited -but don't think they will be able to memorize a whole psalm!

I'm excited! Because I know they will!

I hope your week was a good one!

Maybe it was busy like ours...the start of a new season!

I'm excited and looking forward to all the joys and blessings that it will hold!

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Marvelous Monday!

Did you have a great weekend?

Here is the winner of our Yay...Free Friday Giveaway this week!

Brandy said...
I shared on facebook!

Congratulations Brandy! You didn't leave a way to contact you so please send me an email and I will get your voucher information to ya!

Have a great day everyone!
Thanks so much!!

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Yay...Free Friday!

We're rolling from one giveaway right into another this week!

Whoo Hoo!!

We just listed the $35 DaySpring winner in the last post...and here we go right into Yay...FREE FRIDAY!!

can I just sneak in another....WHOO HOO!! =)

Every Friday is...FREE FRIDAY, where we give one of YOU a personalized Doll of Choice from Baby be Blessed!

To Enter: Simply leave a comment below!
Extra Entries: (please 1 comment for each -Each comment is one more chance to win!)

*Become a follower of our blog

*Write a blog post about the giveaway (please leave link)

*Like Baby be Blessed on facebook

*Share on facebook

*Follow us on twitter (all links are on our website)

*Tweet or Retweet about the giveaway

*Do a Random Act of Kindness....and let us know what it was!

Winner will be chosen on Monday!

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DaySpring Winner

The WINNER of the $35.00 Gift Voucher from DaySpring is,

Sara from Happy Brown House!

ooooohhh she makes some pretty cute items so be sure to check her blog and etsy site out! Congratulations Sara!

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

When your Heart Just Hurts...

Today my heart just hurts.
Sometimes life is just like that.

Harsh words and life situations can rip shards in the deepest parts within. They can try and define you....they WILL hurt you.

But what is our response?

Some words of wisdom were spoken to me today...

Love wins everytime!

Like a healing salve covering the soul...may THIS define us!

"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." 1 Corinthians 13:7, NLT

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Back to School -DaySpring Giveaway!

I can't believe that it is time for school already! This summer (as they all do) has flown by!

The stores are full of supplies, sales and discounts to make the dollar stretch...and boy with four children, I always have my eyes peeled for the best quality items offered at the best prices!

My heart always hurts when they load up on that big orange bus in the mornings and my mind remembered this Living Proverbs 22:6 post.

I want to protect and shelter them! I want to spare them hard decisions (bad decisions) poor influences and hurts!

But Jesus said:

"I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world." John 17:15-18

Sanctify is to be set apart for a sacred purpose.

It shot right through me that day. That I am NOT to shelter them...but TEACH them! Equip them with the Godly tools to live our their faith!

How? Through His word....

"You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:7-9

"You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates" Deuteronomy 11:19-20

I LOVE these verses (there are many more).

Dayspring has some wonderful back-to-school supplies that are tools to help remind and encourage our children when they are sitting in the classroom. They are also great tools for sharing their faith.

I was sent this collection for review...but honestly we had purchased their collection last year so I already was aware of the quality and message behind this wonderful product!

In my opinion...these notebooks are a great way to "bind them as a sign on your hand" and be "as frontlets between your eyes."

Message on front of I Know Where Love Comes From binder, notebook, and folder:
I know where love comes from--John 3:16

Message on front of He Has My Heart binder, notebook, and folder:
He has my heart.

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: Psalm 139:23
Right now DaySpring is running a Back-to-School sale and this collection is only $13.09. Also please save an additional 25% with the code THANKS11

My girls SQUEALED when I took these binders, folders and notebooks out of the box...and what a wonderful message for them both! Also take a look at their other Scripture themed supplies that are for both girls and boys!

Dayspring has offered to giveaway a $35.00 Gift Certificate to one of YOU!!

To enter: Leave a comment below. What is your favorite DaySpring Product?

For additional entries: Like DaySpring on Facebook and Twitter! (leave one comment for each)

This is a wonderful product and though this post is mainly about back-to-school, I think that this is a great product for everyone!

Why not use them in the office?

Personally I think I'm going to use the binders to organize my lessons for teaching Bible Study! But regardless of what you use them for...I know you will enjoy having them!

I'll choose the $35 DaySpring winner on Friday!

Have a fantastic day!

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Disclosure: {in}courage provided me the I Know Where Love Comes From and He Has My Heart - Set of 6 Coordinating Supplies free for review. The thoughts and opinions shared are honest and entirely my own.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Too Cute...Tuesday!

Hadley loves the BbB doll.
Oh,she's so sweet!!
Melts my heart....

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~Do YOU have a Too Cute Picture to share?!

Please email them to babybeblessed@gmail.com. Please note that by emailing your pictures, you are giving Baby be Blessed permission to post them on our website and blog.

Can't wait to see them!! =)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Summer's End....

Friday morning the kids and I packed up the ol' suburban and headed west! The sun was shining and the warmer temperatures were just calling us back to the beach!

Summer's end is bittersweet for me. A change in season always makes me squirm but I am looking forward to a bit more routine! The kids were great and I just want to soak in all of our wonderful moments together!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend too!!

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Marvelous Monday!

The winner of our YFF Giveaway this week is....

Angie Alford

And thanks to all who entered!

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Weekends are for -ROAD TRIP!

As the days of Summer are winding down...what better way to spend them than on a weekend road trip!

What are you doing this weekend?

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*Don't forget to enter our Yay...Free Friday Giveaway in the post below!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Yay...Free Friday!

Every Friday is...FREE FRIDAY!!

What could you win? A Personalized Doll of Choice from Baby be Blessed!

To Enter: Simply leave a comment below!
Extra Entries: (please 1 comment for each -Each comment is one more chance to win!)

*Become a follower of our blog

*Write a blog post about the giveaway (please leave link)

*Like Baby be Blessed on facebook

*Share on facebook

*Follow us on twitter (all links are on our website)

*Tweet or Retweet about the giveaway

*Go give your kids a big squeeze (and smooch if they will still let you! =)

Winner will be chosen on Monday!

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

When Life Gives you Burnt Toast and Root Canals!

As we returned from Bible Study last Wednesday, I grabbed one of my favorite quick snacks from the fridge (a slice of turkey wrapped in swiss) as I was busy picking up the day and thinking forward to tomorrow. I wondered if I bruised something because from that moment my tooth hurt. Pushing through the night and the next day with Advil, I was just waiting for things to calm back down and heal but after a night of throbbing, I called the dentist first thing Friday morning.

They were able to get me in right at 11:40. My mind swirled with different scenarios. To schedule an appointment in the same day with a husband leaving for work, four children PLUS daycare children is no easy feat! I ask my husband if it is possible to go in late?? Not looking good. I made my appointment for 3 o'clock on Monday...the next available option.

I walked upstairs, hoping for the best. Praying for the best! "Lord you know! You know what is needed and You will give me the strength needed to make it to Monday." Tears filled my eyes as I fumbled through rooms, mouth and ear throbbing with each bend for laundry. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", I smile. I trust.

My mind sweeps back over the past few weeks. The broken water heater. The broken switch and air conditioning in our suburban right before vacation. Our oldest getting something in his eye again (first time he scratched is eye on a tree branch) resulting in a couple days of pain and discomfort. Natalie almost burned the house down with a almost flaming toaster (seriously -I have never seen so much smoke) and now this silly tooth.

Again I smile. Didn't I just have a conversation with two beautiful women at church? Sharing together stories of broken glasses, thrown out backs, vertigo and still choosing Joy? I remember....

Arms piled high with the daily loads, I carefully work my way back downstairs to get started. My sweet sweet husband has worked out a way for me to go to the appointment this morning...my heart swells, oh how I love that man! Thank you Lord!

Long story short, with a quick dental check and x-ray I had an infection brewing. I was sent home with a root canal pamphlet, antibiotics and instructions for pain relief. "These things pyramid quick," he says. "Things will get worse before they get better. Good thing you were able to come in today."

Boy did they.

By Saturday the pain was barely tolerable even on heavy pain killers (which looped me out). The left side of my face swollen tight moving into my eye. Our kids were so good. They were kind, understanding, concerned and very helpful with Kolton. We vegged out in the living room watching "Hunchback of Notre Dame" part 1 and 2. I was moved...poor Quasimoto...I just NEW how he felt. Tristin said, "Well at least you don't have a hunchback Mom!" He was so right! At least I didn't have that and it didn't seem I was going to pick up the black hairy tongue side effect from my medication (no joke).

Everyday things got better. I'm scheduled next week for my root canal and looking forward to it because there is NO WAY I want to go through another infection! We are so blessed to live here in America. Can you imagine what we would go through if we didn't have the resources we do?

Today God brought me to 2 Corinthians 4:17,

"Our light affliction, which is but for a moment,
is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory"

You know...it is easy to get discouraged through trials and sometimes they just seem to pile up! But we need to hold tight to God's promises. He loves us so much! Now I'm not just talking personally about tooth aches and broken water heaters...I'm talking about all trials! The big and the small. They ALL matter to God! Sometimes its hard to understand what His reasoning is. Why He allowed this to run through His fingers. He loves us more than anything else created yet still He has allowed these hard things? I've come to accept that we will just never understand. We are human. He is God.

We simply must trust in this mighty God that loves us so...

He takes the things that seem to be against us and causes them to work for us!

Let us not loose heart!

Our afflictions are but for a moment...eternal glory awaits!

I would love to invite each of you to join our Community of Prayer and Praise Facebook page! Would you leave your requests and praises today? Would you join this page and stay updated on how to pray for our other friends? CLICK HERE to join us!

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to Disciple your Children

This was too good NOT to share!
I read the following article today from DiscipleBlog.com


Walter A. Henrichsen writes, “Discipling must begin with our children if it is ever to affect the rest of our culture. Before we go looking for people to disciple, we should start with our own families. For a few short years, God has entrusted our children to our care. Whether for good or bad, we will mark them for eternity.”

The Bible directs us to: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Our primary goal is for our kids to love God – for them to learn to know Him, walk with Him and serve Him.

So, how do we begin discipling our children? Here are a few key principles that work!

Know God Intimately
God has given parents primary responsibility for the spiritual training of their children. But many parents don’t know where to begin. Proverbs 1:7 offers an insight: without knowledge and fear of the Lord, children cannot learn anything worthwhile. Education begins with the pursuit of God—who He is and what He is like.

Many children have only a vague understanding of God’s true nature. They have been exposed to ideas about God that may not match what the Bible says. Your kids can know God intimately. Introduce them to the Lord’s character and qualities. Explore each facet of His magnificent perfection!

Love God Passionately
Jesus summed up all 613 Old Testament laws into two: love God and love people (Mark 12:30-31). But beware of the simplicity of Jesus’ words. To love God with ALL the heart, soul, mind, and strength does not mean “business as usual.” Loving God demands effort, action, and passion.
Most children today love peer approval more than they love God. They are more concerned about “fitting in” than they care about being set apart for God’s special purpose. Your kids can love God passionately. Encourage them to enjoy His presence moment-by-moment throughout the day. Determine not to lose touch with God’s Spirit. Express adoration and delight in unbroken communion with Him!

Serve God Selflessly
Most kids serve themselves before they consider the needs of others. Selfishness is natural—part of being human. But God extends a higher calling to His followers. The Lord challenges Christians to demonstrate faithful conduct that honors God and helps people. This requires supernatural strength from the indwelling Christ (Galatians 2:20).

Lift your child’s eyes from his or her own interests to see the world from God’s point-of-view. Christ has promised to meet all our needs (Philippians 4:19). That is His job. Our job is to walk by faith, serving Him in all we do. Your kids can serve God selflessly. They will usually follow the example of their parents and influential teachers. When you model selflessness, your children will respond in kind!

Celebrate God’s Greatness Together
God is the focus of the entire universe. He enjoys being Lord of the heavens and the earth! God also deserves to occupy the central focus in the minds, hearts, and souls of every human being. Life begins and ends with Him. Determine to know God on a more intimate basis each year. The better you know Him, the better you and your children will be prepared to face life’s challenges. Celebrate God’s greatness together!


Let's disciple! Our kids are SO WORTH IT!

We wouldn't send our soldiers out to battle without proper training or weapons! They would be destroyed or fall in the hands of the enemy in the blink of an eye...so why would we send our children out in the battle field of this world? Let's give them the proper training and the proper weapon (Sword of the Spirit -God's word) to fight in this world! This all starts and ends at home. The church can only do so much and is designed to walk along side the parent.

One day we will stand before God and give an account of what He has entrusted to us. Our children are our biggest blessing, privilege and gift from the Lord.

Let's pray together and seek God's direction. He is FAITHFUL and will show us how to disciple our children. Yes there will be many mistakes along the way...He knows we are but dust, but oh how He loves us and simply desires every single thing mentioned above....

I've mentioned this before...but may we as parents LIVE OUT OUR FAITH in front of our children!! The good, bad, the ugly.... and the Grace that only comes from Christ!

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Too Cute Tuesday!

We had our first traumatic event on June 28th when we had to take Connor to the ER. To make a long story short he rolled off my bed and fractured his skull. He had no clue anything was wrong with him after about 30 seconds. He had his first CT scan, xrays, and hospital stay before he was 8 months old. :( He was such a trooper though. The whole time he snuggled with his BbB lion that "Santa" brought him after he was born. Luckily everything seems to be just fine with Baby Connor. The swelling/hematoma is almost completely gone. ~A. Bourg

Praising God for his healing hand on Connor!

He is the cutest!!

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*Do you have a photo to share on Too Cute Tuesday?!
Please email it to babybeblessed@gmail.com .
By sending your photo, you are giving Baby be Blessed permission to post your photo on the blog and website.

~Thanks! Can't wait to see them!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Marvelous Monday!

Our Yay Free Friday winner this week is....

Savannahs Smiles from Beautiful JOY!

Please email me for your voucher information!

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Weekends are for the County Fair!

Started our weekend early with a trip to the Auglaize County Fair on Thursday! YAY!

Today resting with lots of pain relievers, antibiotics and frozen orange popsicles against my cheek as I fight an infection in my tooth. Root canal coming soon...

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.~ Psalm 118:24
=) Choosing this today!

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*Don't forget about our Yay...Free Friday giveaway in the post below!