Thursday, June 18, 2009


Time. God has given us time here on earth. Why? He could simply rapture us up after our salvation...but He doesn't. He gives us this time. Time to live out that salvation. But the question I'm pondering this morning...

What am I spending my time on? I really feel that what we spend our time on is what we live for. Yes, we have to work and do things maybe we don't enjoy...but where is your heart during that time. Who are you doing these thing for? Yourself or the Lord. I guess I'm thinking on the bigger picture of things this morning. What am I spending my time on...

Life can get so crazy busy that we so easily loose focus on our time. It slips away. Happens to me more than what I would care to admit. We need to keep our eyes and ears where they should be...on Jesus. Everything else really doesn't matter. Yes, it is glorifying to to go to work, pay your bills and be faithful with what you are given. But it's simply a matter of the heart. Who are you doing those things for? You'll burn out pretty quick if it is for ourselves. First and foremost ALL of our time and ALL of we do should be done for the Lord. We need to remind ourselves of that daily...sometimes moment by moment. I encourage you to keep your eyes in God's word...the Holy Spirit will meet with you. Get involved in a biblical church and bible study. Fellowship with other will encourage them and they will encourage you. Surround yourself with Him!

So...what am I spending my time on? What am I living for?

I chose the picture above because I almost wasn't there to take it. Many times Keith will do fun things with the older three and for me, I feel it is just easier to keep Kolton at home...I've got oodles to work on here anyway. This was taken the day before we were going to set up for VBS. I had a mile long list of different things going through my head. Keith really wanted to go fishing with the kids and I. When he asked...I literally sighed. All of the things that had to get done was running through my mind. Chasing Kolton around the pond and spending my time doing nothing just wasn't on my list. But the Lord grabbed my heart!

What are you spending your time on? WHO are you living for! I smiled. My children and family are my FIRST ministry. Yes, VBS is very important...but I was obedient. It is choosing to follow Him moment by moment. Spending every moment of the time He has given you doing what He wants you to be doing. My heart was so full of joy. I was so blessed! We were able to fellowship as a family, learn about God's creation and Kolton was awesome! And you know what....everything fell into place for VBS too!

Let us all use our time living for the Lord and being a part of His plan!

I pray that we all would be about your business today! I pray that the Holy Spirit would pierce our hearts as to what work you would have us do. That the time You have given, we would give back to glorify You. May our hearts be pure! I pray that all of us Mommies look around our feet today at our first ministry Lord God ... the children You have entrusted to us! May we stand before you knowing that we have been obedient with all that you have given Lord! We love you!
In Jesus Name~Amen

1 comment:

Carrie said...

i love you & your sweet heart, ms. tina!!!
