Thursday, January 27, 2011

Living Proverbs 22:6

Life is always changing isn't it? Constantly moving. As each day passes, nothing ever stays the same. I fight it. But why?? Faith is always moving. It wouldn't be faith if it were standing still. But still my feet stick and reluctantly I pull up a foot to take a wee step further. Surprised I pick up the other foot and it starts to move as well. Stepping one foot after the other, but not within my own strength...for I would still be standing still. But through the mighty One who hasn't yet given up on me. Still loves me and simply desires me to TRUST IN HIM!

Parenting is hard and often in the messes of everything, piles of chores and screams of sibling fussing I fall back into old habits and attitudes. I get lost in the what to do's and need to be done's. My list is always present and I am not.

This mirror He holds in front of me shows such and ugly reflection. The reflection of what my children me. I crindge. Its how we look at it isn't it? God doesn't show us to punish us or make us crindge. It's because He loves us so much! So this week I've been shown. I see the ugly. But I smile and offer praise. Thank you Lord. I NEED to see!

Sometimes we can be all about just doing. We can go through all the motions of training our children, living life...but never really "be there". I'm always in the next moment or the last. Rarely present.

This He shows me. I slow down and look around me. Look at me.

I write in my journal. "I must be fully here -embracing each moment and fully embracing our children in love" I must daily abide, CLING to my Jesus -so that I may live and live fully in joy! Ironically (or not so =) the bible verse the children and I are memorizing this month in Bible Study is John 15:5 "I am the vine you are the branches. If a man remains (NKJV reads abides) in me, and I in him he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." Nothing that is good...that is for sure! Standing still in old habits and sin nature.

But our God is faithful. Faithfully showing us -moving us.
Thank you Lord for your love and grace!
And thank you for walking with me as I journey.
I take another step forward.....

post signature -Tina


Marlene McGarrity said...

Love seeing your children - the ones you designed these dolls for originally!

Chelsey said...

"I'm always in the next moment or the last. Rarely present."

This is so profound. I think so many of us can relate. Thank you for the reminder of God's faithfulness...