Monday, May 12, 2008

Marvelous Monday!!

Congratulations to graciegirl99!!
You get a free pick from my website!!
Hope this makes your Monday Marvelous!!

The winner this week was chosen by my nephew Skylar. The last couple weeks there has been big fits over who gets to choose a name. It is Skylar's turn this week as Lola crossed her arms and walked away pouting that she didn't get to do it. This actually is a pretty good smile from Skylar. He's not all into showing his teeth like I ask them to. And there is Carson in the background. I asked him to smile as well...=) Carson and Skylar are my boys during the day besides my little Kolton. They have fun together!


In other weekend news, the garage sale was....okay... I still have a ton of stuff left which is STILL on the tables in the garage. I just closed the door on Saturday and was done. I made $100 which is more than what I had at the beginning of the day, so I'm thankful! Garage sales are HARD work! I still need to decide what to do with the remaining items...donate, sell on ebay, save for a friends garage sale...hmmm...still don't know yet. But nothing is coming back in the house! Right?? =) We will see I guess. Keith won't let me store my "stuff" in the garage for long. He is very good about keeping it clean.


So yesterday was Mother's Day. I spend a lot of the day just telling the Lord how thankful I am for what he has given me. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and stressed out, but I smiled as I look around the house and see the cluttered mess of things since I have been busy with the garage sale for three days. do things get so darn messy! And don't even get me started on my laundry pile!!! YIKES! Clutter drives me crazy, so even though it was Sunday and Mother's Day I had to get some things done. I just feel better and more relaxed when things are done. It's hard to sit and relax if there is clutter around me. My kids are starting to help my request of course, but it is a help. I was much more organized when I only had one child and the little things really bothered me. But ya know, you have to pick and choose what is important in life. Yes a clean house is important but having absolute perfection is not. At least to me. I will never be perfect even though that was something I struggled with throughout my life-how others perceived me. But Praise is only how He sees me that is important. He is not going to count my dust bunnies when I stand before him someday (thank goodness). So a straight stack of perfectly folded towels in the closet is not a top priority to me. A sloppy shoved in pile makes me smile, because my babies are helping me and learning household responsibilities. They are so proud of that sloppy pile and so am I. So anyway....(I was chasing a rabbit there for a second) I was thanking the Lord for each tattle, each sibling scuffle, for each cluttered pile, for each toy underfoot, my piles dirty laundry, for my full garage of stuff, for our unmade beds, gray shadowed dressers, and dust bunny floors. I smiled as I thanked Him for these things. What would I do without them?? What am I going to do when I don't have this clutter to keep clean anymore....I could cry just thinking about it! So I'm trying to change my perspective on how I look at things. Yes clutter and fussing makes me crazy sometimes, but I LOVE every bit of it and wouldn't have it any other way!!!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother's Day and I hope you smile at all your dust bunnies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so silly how Skylar looks so different in that picture - but he's still adorable!