Sunday, June 24, 2012

Learning requires lots of practice!

I sit here on my front porch.  The squirrels run and play in the trees around me.  Birds churp, woodpeckers peck and turtle doves sing steady, deep and slow.   Yellow morning sun moves across the old porch boards and I rock in this old wicker chair. 

I hear creation sing love songs to the creator without any effort, but yet this morning I choose to praise.

When things don't go as planned and a little boy has a belly that is "burping and chewing" and this is the second Sunday in a row not sitting in the wooden pew and I miss the fellowship, feel the responsibilities and deadlines weighing down hard and simply want to STOMP MY FOOT in a tantrum, I don't.

Though temping,  I hold back. 

"I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving, And will call upon the name of the LORD."  Psalm 116:17 NKJV

The sacrifice of thanksgiving, the hard Eucharisteo. 
This desire to learn and with learning comes lots of practice

Words come slow and hard but the offer of praise offers opportunity for the heart to change.  Words start running free.  Praise flowing up as a sweet aroma to the throne, and a healing salve to my soul. 

It's the choice to trust.  It's a choice not to wallow (though sometimes I just want to roll it all over me). 

It's grabbing His hand and moving joyfully forward.

Ah, yes!  I feel like skipping....  =)

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